Charities - GSD Memorials

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Have you always wanted a German Shepherd Dog?Seen one on the TV or at the movies,and thought thats the dog for me.If you are considering getting a GSD then please bare in mind that the cute,cuddly ball of fur you get from the breeder is going to turn into a big,powerful dog within a couple of years!Have you got the time,commitment and dedication it takes to have a GSD?Are you prepared to give him/her the physical and mental stimulation they need?When correctly trained and socialised the GSD is a truly fantastic dog.Still really want one?Then, if you do have the time and commitment,why not consider rehoming a GSD from one of the many animal shelters and rescue centers?Below are some links to various GSD/Dog charities.(Please note that I have no connection to any of the sites mentioned,but I do donate to some of them.)

Just click on each pic to go to the various websites.

WEBSITE CREATED BYzebal interactive.2025

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